Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What a joke!

We went to McDonald's to get the Real Fruit Smoothie, and all I can say is WHAT A RIP-OFF!!!!! We spent $3.50 per smoothie, and they tasted EXACTLY the same as mom's Jell-O Whip. I mean, EXACTLY. Sure, it maintained it's form longer than hers, but it also probably had at least 30 times the calories. No exaggeration. Okay, maybe just a little. But, still, not only would it have saved us in calories, the Jell-O Whip only costs about 1.20 for four servings. That's a HUGE savings! Well, needless to say, I won't be going THERE again for the Real Fruit Smoothies, since mine are cheaper and less calories. I shake my head at myself, and sigh. If I had only known, I could have saved $5.80.

EXACTLY THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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